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Click here to post your kindness story!

A community experience where children can learn that kindness can make a difference and a smile can change the world!


It’s time to spread the kindness. It’s time to share a smile!


All you need is a smiley face token (print below or contact us and we will get them to you!) and a little bit of time to be kind!


Attached to the smiley face is an invitation to do a random act of kindness and discover, with your family or friends, how kindness makes a difference!


Take your picture with your smiley face, in the act of kindess, and upload your picture with your kindness story to our OHgo Facebook page:

@OHgo One-K1nd-Act


Then, leave your smiley face token with that person/family, mail it to someone special, or leave it somewhere in your city where someone else might find it. It is then up to them to pay it forward. Let’s watch our smiles spread like fire! 


Make a card and deliver it to your Grandma.


Love going to the park? Pick up some litter and then play for a while.


Deliver cookies to a nursing home.



See below for a Random Acts of Kindness calendar to give you ideas throughout the school year.  Remember, your smile can change the world!

Click here to print smiley token

Click here to print kindness calendar

If interested, need more info or resources, click here to CONTACT US!
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