Jul 27, 2021
There are never enough books! And today we passed out 385 books to 77 children! We played and read with 2 year olds, 12 year olds, and...

Jul 20, 2021
Books for you. Books for me.
A fun double bookmobile kind of day! ;) We had a blast at Orlando Pace park and MacArthur picking books from the traveling library,...

Jul 7, 2021
We have a bookmobile this FRIDAY, July 9 @the Nehemiah Center (1215 Campbell St) from 11-12.30. Bring the kids out for FREE books, kid...

Aug 13, 2019
Last bookmobile of summer 2019!
What an awesome group of friends to end our summer bookmobiles with! Thanks for letting us crash your clubs today! @bgcohio And as always...

Aug 4, 2019
Its August!
We had such a fun-filled weekend! We spent Friday at the community collaboration with City of Sandusky Recreation Department, Saturday at...

Jul 23, 2019
Everybody Reads!
Could the weather be any more perfect for popsicles, books and smiles...we don’t think so! We had so much fun hanging out at the park...

Jul 2, 2019
Meet our new bookmobile coordinator!
Another beautiful day spreading kindness, smiles and books....lots of books... We are so excited to introduce our new bookmobile...

Jun 25, 2019
Smiles, kites and books for the win!
The sun was shining and kites were flying! Another awesome summer day for our bookmobile! We passed out over 150 books, played an epic...

Jun 18, 2019
Books+Smiles o my!
What a beautiful day for books and smiles! 175 to be exact 🙂 Thanks for coming out and seeing us and special thanks to City of Sandusky...