Come on out!
Food is on the move this week! Check out the events below and spread the word- we cannot wait to share the goods with you J
Wednesday (3/17)- Be Well Wednesday- FREE fresh produce, dairy, breads and meats from 3.30-5p @the Sandusky Mall (JC Penney parking lot)
Thursday (3/18)- FREE groceries at the parks! Groceries, produce, milk, eggs, meats and more. *drive-thru and walk up options at all stops*
4-4.40p @ Macarthur Park (1607 S. Forest Dr.)
4.50-5.30p @New Jerusalem Church (1920 Eddy Henry/Shelby St.)
5.50-6.30p @Orlando Pace Park (1130 Wamajo Dr.)
All events are located in Sandusky, Ohio and are RAIN OR SHINE* The more we share, the more we have. #everybodyeats #foodonthemove #eatwell