REMINDERS: FREE groceries (non-perishables too!) TODAY (12/3) *Coats will be available at walk up locations! Details below-
FRESH FRIDAY TOM (12/4) from 10-12.30 @ OHgo warehouse (2304 E Perkins Ave)
Park Pantry Info:
•MacArthur park (1607 S Forest dr) 4-4.40p
•New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church (1920 Eddy Henry/Shelby St) 4.50-5.30p
•Orlando Pace Park (1130 Wamajo dr) 5.50-6.30p
*Each stop will include a no-touch, free-choice, walk-through pantry; as well as a drive up option (pre-packed boxes) for those who prefer to stay in vehicles. Open to all Ohio residents, rain or shine* P.S.- pantries will be held in these same locations, at the same times, EVERY first and third Thursday of every month! So mark your calendars now 😎
The more we share, the more we have. #everybodyeats #foodonthemove